A Question of Orb

Which Aspect and Why?

Presentation by

Rodney B. Smith

June 29 2003

Contact Information


This lecture assumes this fundamental premise:

Astrology is the study of Human Potential as represented in the Cycles of the Planets.

All of my work with aspect and orb, indeed with Astrology as a study, is hinged on this statement.

© 1999-2003 Carl B. Smith and Rodney B. Smith. All information and artwork in this handout is copyright, including the terms Axial Harmonics, Axial Harmonic Resonance, and Resonant Axial Harmonics, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever, whether printed, photographic, electronic, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owners, except for fair purposes of review as permitted under copyright legislation.

Contact Carl B. Smith carls@qldnet.com.au and Rodney B. Smith rodsmith59@earthlink.net for more information.

Harmonics: Which Aspect and Why?

The approach to aspects you will learn today is original and is used by a handful of people world-wide.

This lecture represents the first-ever public presentation of this method. I have discussed it widely on the internet, and have sparked genuine interest on three continents. The theory and practice are now refined well enough to present in this forum. It will be written into a book in due course.

All of this information is copyrighted

You may use it and discuss it but please do not publish, present or teach it without written permission.

A Very Brief History

The concept behind this treatment of aspect is the brainchild of my brother, Carl Smith, who worked for 25 years sifting through Astrological potentials to synthesize a few basic rules that work consistently in Astrology, and particularly in Harmonics.

Carl is a Virgo’s Virgo, his tenacity and attention to detail have made this work possible.

His work is partly inspired by the work of the late John Addey author of Harmonics in Astrology [1]

The interpretive analysis that fills out this methods is my own work, based on my undying curiosity about the human condition. I have spent many years researching, religion and other branches of metaphysics of various kinds from a practical standpoint in order to unlock the principles that underpin human behavior. When I came across Carl’s Astrology system in my study, I found that my 25 years of observation and pondering meshed perfectly with Carl’s model.

Therefore Axial Harmonics is a jointly owned by my brother and myself. It represents ground-breaking Astrological theory, yet holds true to the fundamental principles upon which Astrologers have built their craft.

I offer only one recourse for the critic who would question the validity or usefulness of our methods. 

Try it and see for yourself.

See the appendix "Introduction to Axial Harmonics" for a more detailed discussion of the founders of this work

A Word about Harmonics

The word Harmonics scares a lot of people off.

In its simplest terms, the study of harmonics is the study of the relationship between wave forms that are direct multiples of each other, and repeat themselves in cycles.

Astrology is the study of planetary cycles

The simplest wave form is a circle.

The ecliptic, or Zodiac, is a circle that represents a single cycle of the Earth as it travels around the Sun..

Aspects are even divisions of a circle.

An Aspect is a direct division of  the ecliptic, which can as easily be expressed as a multiple, for such is the nature of mathematics when dealing with cycles.

Harmonics is the study of divisions and multiples of a circle, therefore the correlation between aspect and harmonic theory is clear.

The biggest problem facing students of harmonics as related to aspect in Astrology is the question of orb.

This lecture addresses that problem.

What is an Aspect in Astrology?

An Aspect represents a specific geometric relationship between two objects on the ecliptic [2] .

If you remember fractions from elementary school, a fraction represents a chunk of the whole, where the whole is divided evenly into a set number of chunks. Therefore one half is one of two equal parts. One quarter is one of four equal parts. Three quarters is three of four equal parts. Two quarters is two of four equal parts, or one of two equal parts. And so on.

Using money as an example. A quarter is 25 cents, four quarters make a dollar, it is no coincidence at all the quarter is shorthand for quarter dollar. Obviously two quarters are a half dollar, three quarters are 75 cents or three quarters of a dollar and so on.

A dime is ten cents, or one tenth of a dollar. 10 of them make a dollar. Each dime you have is another tenth part of a dollar. If you have 6 dimes, 60 cents, you have six tenths of a dollar. And so on.

In Astrology, the "dollar" is the ecliptic, and instead of 100 cents, it is made up of 360 degrees.

The quarter part of $3.60 is 90 cents. The quarter part of the ecliptic is 90 degrees.

The tenth part of $3.60 is 36 cents, The tenth part of the ecliptic is 36 degrees.

The difference between an aspect and a regular fraction is that an aspect is that Astrological convention has always opted to take the smaller portion of the cycle as its aspect to describe its fraction.

I’ll explain.

Lunar Cycle


Angle of Aspect

Angle of Cycle

New Moon

Moon Conjunct Sun

0 and 360 Degrees

0 degrees

First Quarter

Moon Square Sun

90 Degrees

90 degrees

Full Moon

Moon Opposite Sun

180 degrees

180 degrees

Third Quarter

Moon Square Sun

90 degrees

270 degrees

Various points on that cycle represent fractions of that cycle. Those fractions of cycle are called aspects and are always measured in the shorter longitude rather than the longer one.

In an Astrological cycle the position of a faster moving object is mapped with relation to a slower moving object. Both are mapped to the ecliptic. In this case, the Moon is mapped in relation to the Sun on the ecliptic.

On the first quarter, the Moon is waxing and square the Sun, at full Moon, it is opposite the Sun, on the third quarter it is waning and square the Sun. Both sides of the cycle are seen as square.

This cycle of the moon in relation to the Sun represents a re-occurring pattern of 90 degree intervals.

What Does an Aspect Represent?

An aspect is best described as a conversation between the planets. Where each planet represents a facet human potential, the aspect between them represents the type of interaction that they share.

The number of possible conversation types is selected by the Astrologer when he/she chooses which aspects to investigate. Using harmonics, there is potentially no end to the possibilities.

Common sense and available time suggest that we keep our list of available aspects to a manageable number.

Where there is no obvious aspect, the pair do not have any common ground on which to meet.

For a beginner, and for a basic reading, 5 aspects are enough, representing the numbers 1, 2, and 3. I will describe how I arrive at these numeric associations later. (I use a unique grouping of aspects when relating them to numbers.)

Personally, I use between 5 and 9 aspects for a basic reading. I use finer harmonics when I am investigating particular issues, in which case I have about 150 possible aspects that I look at according to their numerological significance.

Before I deal with aspects I need to deal with conjunction.

Some will argue that Conjunction is not an aspect [3] .

I am not going to entertain the argument here, but for mathematical purposes in Astrology, Conjunction is an aspect.

Conjunction represents the beginning and ending of a cycle. There can be no cycle without beginning or end, therefore conjunction belongs in the discussion of aspect.


Aspect List


Angular Fraction

Vulgar Fraction


0 or 360

0 or 1

























This is a standard aspect list.

I always use the top 5 in any reading, and will use the others in a detailed reading where I don’t have time to use harmonics.

These aspects are listed in order of influence.

There appears to be no rhyme or reason to this list from a mathematical perspective, and therefore many believe that there is no mathematical system in aspect at all. (Aspect is treated by many as a randomly ascribed geometric mystery)

Most astrologers ascribe orb [4] according to an arbitrary order of influence. In fact, orb is the most arbitrary factor in Astrology.

There have been many attempts to address the question of orb and influence in a systematic fashion.

My method represents a new approach to an old problem.

A New Treatment of Aspect

Astrologers fall into two categories when discussing aspect.

One is the empirical approach. The empirical astrologer does not care why aspects work, they just do. It is as though the planets make random hit-and miss adventures with each other in the heavens. While this approach has its merits (a great sense for what works and what does not can be gained from such people), it is not enough for some.

The second group of astrologers has a systematic approach to aspect, usually addressing aspect with some form of mathematical synthesis, often involving harmonic theory. The problem with mathmatical systems is that they do not accurately reflect the empirical evidence, and so a mish-mash of empirical understanding and mathematical synthesis eventuates.

The common ground for both groups of people is that the orb of an aspect should be representative of its relative significance.

Harmonic theory suggests that once a reasonable orb for conjunction is established, each new level of division of the circle should represent a similar division of that conjunct orb. The consistent use of harmonics does not allow two planets to have resonance [5] on more than one harmonic level at a time. Therefore to have orbs that overlap is mathematical nonsense.

The problem is that the current harmonic ascriptions of orb do not reflect reality. They descend far too quickly for even the most frugally minded Astrologer to wear.

Table of regularly ascribed orbs




Orb #1

Orb #2


0 degrees






180 degrees






120 degrees






90 degrees






72 degrees






60 degrees






51.5 degrees






45 degrees






40 degrees






36 degrees






30 degrees






The empirical orbs listed here are a reflection of what is commonly used. They are a little generous in my experience, but they are nevertheless fairly common figures. Harmonic Orb #1 is the closest approximation that a consistent harmonic model can make on this selection of aspects as a whole, but it has an outrageously high orb for conjunction.. Harmonic Orb #2 has a closer reflection of the empirical experience of conjunction (though still generous by many standards) and its orbs are tiny for the rest of the aspects listed.

The problem becomes evident, Harmonic orbs descend far too quickly to adequately reflect reality.

There is, however, an alternative harmonic approach.

The Axial Approach

The axial approach to harmonics requires that we rethink what an aspect actually is, and more importantly, how we group these aspects to both reflect reality and maintain mathematical consistency.

Harmonic Resonance – The Unifying Principle

Music is the perfect place to investigate the fundamental principles of harmonics because it is universally available.

When a guitar string is plucked, its vibration describes a single musical note.  For the purpose of this exercise, this is the fundamental note.  When one presses a finger hard behind the 12th fret and plucks the string, the new sound describes the next octave of that note, identical in tone but higher in pitch.  This is the first division of the string by two, and mathematically, it is the first harmonic division of that string. 

If one now holds ones finger lightly on the string, directly above the 12th fret, and again plucks the string, one hears several harmonic variations of the same note at the same time.  This is its harmonic resonance.  The harmonic resonance of the string describes both the fundamental note, and its first and subsequent harmonic divisions,

Thus it can be easily observed, that Harmonic Resonance is the unifying principle between the fundamental note and its subsequent harmonic divisions.

Next question.

What does this have to do with Astrology?  Why make the distinction between resonance and harmonic division?

When harmonic division is made in science, we simply see it as a division of the principle by half and subsequent factors.

In Astrology, we are investigating a relationship between two or more charted objects, and relating that back to the whole circle.  By nature of relationship, we are no longer making a simple division, but investigating a principle of division.  We are investigating the relationship between the first object (usually the slowest moving by Astrological convention) which represents the start or the whole circle, and the second object, which represents a division of that whole circle.  We are no longer declaring a division, but asking which pattern (if any) does this fit?  We are attempting to identify the relationship between the principle of the circle and its division.  Music has given us a principle with which to work. 

The principle which describes the relationship between the fundamental whole and its harmonic division is the principle of Harmonic Resonance.

While mathematics describes the relationship between a whole and it first harmonic as simply 1 as to 2, harmonic resonance says 1 as to 2 and 4 and 8 and 16 and 32, implying consistency throughout the divisions, and indeed defining the unifying principle.  You can hear this principle on the guitar string. 

When we use such divisions as trine and quintile, we are comparing the resonant patterns of two fundamental notes and looking for harmonic correspondence, very much like a guitar fret-board allows us to meld resonant patterns of various fundamental notes into chords.

Put very simply, there can be no consideration of resonance without considering both the whole and its division.  Resonance, for Astrological purposes, is then defined by an axis, a line from conjunction (the whole note) to opposition (the first division) which describes the fundamental harmonic resonance of that planet.  

There is no harmonic resonance to a planet until its first harmonic division is described.


Harmonic Resonance in Astrology is therefore defined by axes across a circle, rather than by points of intersection around it.

How can we apply this principle in Astrology?

The most obvious place to start our investigation is with the relationship between conjunction and opposition.

We noted earlier that harmonic resonance is the unifying principle between the whole and the division, so our first question should then be, “what is the unifying principle between conjunction and opposition?”

We have always been taught in Astrology to observe the differences between the planets, and the planetary relationships and make our assessments from these.  Harmonic resonance suggests that we alter this divisive principle, and look instead at the unifying principle.

Nobody is trying to pretend that there is no difference between conjunction and opposition; however in using harmonics, we must determine the unifying principle between them.

A quick analysis of the conjunction/opposition polarity suggests that conjunction is representative of close interactive relationship where subjective judgment is likely due to close proximity.  Opposition is seen as a more objective view of one-to-one relationships, which can lead to either tension or resolution.

The unifying principle between these polarities is perspective.  The wise observer will have noticed in life that both objectivity and subjectivity are required to gain a healthy perspective.  Excess of either produces polarity and difficulty.  For a conjunction (overly subjective perspective) to be successfully resolved, its polar opposite must be taken into account.  (Take an objective stance for a moment and have another look.) For an opposition (relentless objectivity) to be resolved, the subjective environment of both objects must be clearly identified.  (What is each party experiencing at the moment?)

This principle has clear parallels in life when either the resolution of conflict or the setting of achievable joint goals is required.

Therefore we can see that the principle of harmonic resonance is a principle for resolving polarity, rather than simply observing or describing it.

The same principle of subjectivity and objectivity plays out in all harmonic levels.  The trine can be thought of as harmony subjective enough to inspire inertia, where the sextile is more objective, inspiring action, but both are functions of harmony, and belong in the same numerological category of 3.

Enough waffling about principle. What does it mean??

1.       When dealing with aspect in Astrology we must consider both the fundamental note and its first division, for we are investigating relationships between objects, not isolated objects on their own.

2.       Therefore the point directly opposite the planet is as important in Astrological interpretation as the planet itself.

3.       Therefore each planet in the aspect circle is describe by an axis rather than just a point.

4.       Therefore harmonic division should be determined by the axis, rather than by the point.

I can hear somebody saying So?

Lets revisit our orb table, this time grouping our harmonic aspects by the number of axes that the aspect represents, rather than by the whole division of the circle.

Table of Aspects by Axial Groupings and Orbs








0 degrees







180 degrees







90 degrees







120 degrees







60 degrees







45 degrees







135 degrees







72 degrees

Quintile (+Bi)






36 degrees

Decile (+Tre)






30 degrees







150 degrees







51.5 degrees

Septile (+ Mult)






40 degrees

Novile (+ Mult)






This table clearly displays how that an axial approach to harmonics very closely resembles the empirical experience of Astrology. The conjunct orb on the Axial Harmonics #2 list is still very wide. There is a reason for this and I will explain it later.

Also notice that, with the exception of the quintiles and deciles, the aspect list reflects the most commonly used aspects in Astrology and places them in an acceptable order of importance.

So What????

What does this mean in a chart or reading?

A little theory here.

We discussed in the first section that Aspect is about Relationships between planets.

We determined that, in harmonic relationships, the opposition is as important as the conjunction, therefore that, in aspect, the planet is defined by its axis, not just by its point.

Many authors use numerology to describe aspect, but the way aspects are normally divided, it takes quite a stretch to apply some aspects in their logical sequence.

I have composed my own numerology, based on my experience of life. I can be accused of being nebulous, here, but I ask simply that you consider the validity (or lack thereof) of what I say based on whether or not it works for you. Again, try this view on numerology with this treatment of aspect, and see if it doesn’t describe the fundamentals of the way you experience life.

Practical Astrology

With the Axial Harmonic treatment of Aspect. How does it work?

Conjunction/Opposition:-  Relationship

The First Level of Communication

The first level at which we communicate as Human beings is that of relationship. Conjunction and opposition together represent the self and the other. I have heard others waffle on about conjunction as entity, and opposition as perspective, but I maintain that, in human existence, there IS NO existence without relationship. Entity, like zero, is an abstract concept that has no tangible value on its own. Therefore, entity and objectivity, together, form the first level of human awareness.

In aspect, conjunction is a conversation between two planets where both parties agree implicitly on the same principles. The similarity can cause unrest, as familiarity will sometimes breed contempt, but both planets are on the same conversational page.

Opposition on the other hand represents two planets with complementary perspectives. Where a planet in Cancer is sensitive, a planet in Capricorn is practical, the two may argue or disagree, but the truth of the situation remains that each does much better to learn from the other rather than engage in argument. This way, each achieves balance, the Cancer planet becomes more aware of the world around it, and the Capricorn planet becomes more aware of its own sensitivities.

Polar Opposition

Pick any sign of the Zodiac, the sign opposite is its compliment, or polar opposite.

Aries is innocent and impulsive, Libra is steady and considered.

Taurus is tactile and steadfast, Scorpio is playful and intense.

Gemini is cerebral and whimsical, Sagittarius is expressive and persuasive.

Cancer is sensitive and focused on personal security, Capricorn is rational, and focused on material security.

Leo is passionate and focused on the self, Aquarius is idealistic and focused on the community.

Virgo is practical and focused on individual details, Pisces is ethereal, and focused on ‘the whole’.

Invariably, the solutions to problems of subjectivity in a chart are found in the opposing sign.

Herein lies the reason for treating conjunction and opposition together. Conjunction is intrinsically subjective and self-absorbed as an aspect. Opposition is intrinsically objective, and outwardly focused as an aspect. Separately they are two parts of a single principle. Together, they represent complete perspective and therefore balanced relationship

Take my MC/Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Leo in the 9th house.

I have bright ideas. I have lots of bright ideas. I know exactly how they work, and if I give you the basics of the ideas, you can string them together too, just like I do. (Yeah sure!!)


Anybody who has looked at my website will read it and realize that this is so terribly true of me as to make my website damned near impossible to follow.

My darling wife Misti has a Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunction in the same place in Leo, but it is in her first house.  She can usually get the gist of what I am trying to say, but she is also blessed with a Sun/Saturn opposition. Venus and Mars say "what can we do with this information" and the Sun/Saturn opposition says "first and foremost, it has to work before it is any good, and secondly, high flown language is going to go straight over people’s heads, give solid examples and explain what you mean in practical terms."

Misti has made a major contribution to the practical examples that make Axial Harmonics understandable. I have a Capricorn Moon, which sees the usefulness of practical application, but the subjective nature of my Mercury stellium [6] doesn’t always see that necessity for explanation.

So, we have the subjectivity of my stellium, understood by the subjective nature of her stellium in the same place, but the objectivity of Misti’s Sun/Saturn also insists on practicality and external perspective.

Misti and I use these aspects to our advantage, and because we see the importance of each other’s talents, we work together as a team to produce better results than either of us can produce on our own.

The subjectivity of the stellium is put to good use by the application of objective focus.

The Leo nature of the stellium puts the focus on my own bright ideas. Misti’s suggestions put the focus on sharing those ideas with others, and improving the understanding of the greater Astrological community which is a very Aquarian focus.

In any natal chart, then, conjunctions will produce a certain amount of subjectivity, which will always do better with the application of objective approach. Opposition transits are excellent for this, as are people who can lend objectivity through synastry [7] .

Oppositions will produce objectivity. Planets in opposition do well to learn from the subjective experiences of both poles. The objectivity in the first level of communication is put under scrutiny by the next harmonic level, the challenge of resistance.

Square:- The Challenge of Resistance.

The Second Level of Communication.

The second level of communication starts off where the first level finished. This is true of all even-order divisions of any primary number in this system.

Opposition was the second aspect in the discussion of relationship, now it is the first level in the discussion of resistance.

Each division by 2 of an aspect type represents the next level of that energy. The smaller aspect of the first type becomes the larger aspect in the subsequent division by two.

Where conjunct planets have learned to make use of their "alter-egos" on the other side of the Zodiac, and when opposite planets learn to pull together rather than push apart, the challenge of the square by transit, synastry, or natal placement will spur them on to greater things. The resistance is met with positive energy and growth is most assuredly the end result.

However, when conjunct planets refuse to acknowledge the validity of their "alter-egos" on the other side of the Zodiac, and when opposite planets buy into the idea that they must maintain their differences at all costs, the challenge of resistance by transit, synastry, or natal placement produces hardship, arguments and friction.

What do I mean by resistance? The nature of the Zodiac is such that opposite signs are complimentary to each other in nature and elemental focus. That is to say, that where one is Fire, the other is Air, these are complimentary elements.

Their squares, however, are Water/Earth. Air/Fire and Water/Earth are fundamentally different in nature. Understanding across the Air/Fire line is critical when dealing with Earth/Water. It takes maturity and understanding to bring all four elements together. Resistance, brought on by the square, is the method by which such maturity is gained.

Let’s take another look at that Mercury/MC conjunction, Remember Mercury/MC are in Leo, with Aquarius as their polar opposite. Remember also that Misti helped me to bring the ideas in the Leo stellium to a place of Aquarian usefulness.

This stellium is square to my natal Jupiter in Scorpio the 12th house. Juipter gets carried away with grandiose insights into anything and everything and spurs Mercury to proclaim it for all the world to hear. It is very useful in this particular forum, but it means that I tend to overtake the conversation in social situations and the like.

To quote Foghorn Leghorn of Buggs Bunny fame "I was BORN shuttin’ up!!"

A far better use of the energy is a more creative expression such as writing, which brings me to another point about aspects.

The midpoint of an aspect will show both the house of its manifestation and the house in which any problem caused by that aspect can be solved. In my case, it manifests in 11th (Equal MC) and is curtailed somewhat when I have been active in the 5th (Equal MC). Its personal manifestation is in the 10th Equal and it is balanced in the 4th Equal.

My use of houses is also unique, it is also very accurate but that is a story for another day.

The square aspect determines how we deal with challenge in our lives. Our response to the squares in our life will determine our response to all other even order aspects in the natal chart.

The native who meets resistance with greater resistance will find life mostly difficult.  The one who meets resistance with a sense of adventure and challenge finds life much easier to deal with.  This attitude is an article of choice, rather than destiny.  The midpoint of the Square describes the fourth Axial Harmonic Level, which brings the energy of resistance to a material level.  This level is described by the Semi-Square and Sesqui-Quadrate aspects and is not discussed at length in this lecture.

Trine/Sextile:- Harmony

The Third Level of Communication

Remember that any planet under this system is described by a polar axis, not just a point. When we divide the circle by three axes it is divided into six equal parts, thus it puts Trine and Sextile on the same level of communication.

Axial Harmonic division by three will always introduce the energy of resonant harmony.  This energy is at its best when the first and second levels are applied properly.  Harmony is a resonant energy in its own right. It can be seen as simply a lack of resistance, and often is, particularly in the case of the trine. Resonant harmony, when treated as an energy in its own right, produces abundant energy and vibrant life. This is in direct contrast to the inertia expressed by a less vibrant trine.

The number three is very widely understood among numerologists to be the number of harmony. As with Conjunction and Opposition, Trine and Sextile represent the subjective and objective facets of harmony. The trine is subjective enough that it can and will produce inertia under unfavorable circumstances. Planets that are in trine express ease with each other and will always opt for the line of least possible resistance unless they are challenged or encouraged to do any more. Sextile on the other hand represents one planet assisting another, and is thus more objective and more likely to get things done.

Misti and I share a planetary configuration. We were born a few weeks apart, and several of the outer planets in our charts are in virtually the same positions.

We both have Saturn trine Pluto. I will discuss the width of orb in natal chart interpretation in a while, but by my calculations of orb, her Saturn/Pluto trine is wide in orb, while mine is tight or resonant.

Saturn and Pluto present as Structure and Power. The Trine relationship indicates harmony between them. There is other stuff going on with Neptune at the midpoint, but I want to focus on the trine for a moment.

A Pluto/Saturn trine suggests empowerment of Saturn, the principle of structure. For me, this presents as an obsession with systems and synthesis. Misti on the other hand does not give a stuff about systems and synthesis. For me the trine is a resonant harmonious energy and always has been. For her it represents inertia on the issue of structure and always has done.

By my use of orb, Her trine leads to inertia, whereas mine leads to keen interest.

Misti uses her lack of interest well, she is a gestalt learner, and empirical Astrologer, and always has been. She has, by far, the best gestalt understanding of Astrology that I have encountered anywhere.

I am a "first principles, lets get down to the bare bones and see what it means" learner, systematic and thorough, I learn through an obsessive interest in order. I am, obviously, a systematic Astrologer.

There are other chart factors that lead to our respective attitudes towards structure, but Saturn’s Trine to Pluto is the most prominent, and describes the difference between the two uses of harmony.

I mentioned Neptune on the midpoint, which makes it Sextile Pluto and Saturn in both cases. However, In Misti’s chart, Neptune is tight, and thus resonant with Saturn, whereas in my chart, Neptune is wide and thus problematic. Neptune is widely Sextile Pluto in both cases.

For Misti, Neptune (also tightly trine natal Sun) gives her the freedom to thoroughly enjoy her non-systematic approach to the world, and allows her to be an inspiration to those who have trouble with systems.

For me, Neptune continually supplies me with information of dubious usefulness that distracts me from the job at hand. I am, if nothing else, distractible. This is made far worse in Ann Arbor because my relocated chart puts Neptune Trine IC and Sextile MC so that it reaches prominence here that I am not used to facing at home.

A Word about Orb Width

The Axial Harmonic approach has led to another discovery that is equally useful. We do not have time to go into the theory behind this technique, but like the Axial Harmonics itself, it works.

This technique is so useful that I use it as my very first assessment of any natal chart. So far, in many thousands of charts, I have found this to work every time. No exceptions, no excuses. This does not mean I cannot be proven wrong, but that my chances of being right are damned good.

It requires strict adherence to the orbs laid out as resonant and wide in this document.

A resonant orb is the orb of the conjunction divided by the axial harmonic number of the Aspect in question.

If the conjunct orb is 4.5 degrees, then the resonant orb of a decile, quintile, or tredecile,  or biquintile will be 0.9 degrees, for these aspect represent the 5th Axial Harmonic Level.

Orb is considered wide when it is greater than resonant, but less than twice resonant.

From our above example, wide orb for the 5th harmonic level as described above is between 0.9 and 1.8 degrees.

In interpretation of charts.

Wide orb denotes aspects that are truly problematic, and will manifest negatively in the life of the individual.

Resonant or tight orb denotes aspects that are fully integrated into the life of the individual and are thus easier to live with.

It is very simple and very useful. Midpoint transits to wide aspects are always difficult.

NOTE Double resonant orbs to determine WIDE orbs.

For those who wish to play

To calculate allowable orb, you must first decide how far you wish to investigate. The orbs I use are set up to investigate 18 resonant harmonic levels equating to 36 traditional harmonics.

We will call the maximum number of resonant levels Amax

(Amax is the number of levels you have decided on)

We will call any number of resonant harmonic levels A

We will call the maximum conjunct orb allowable for Amax Oconj

We will call the orb of any aspect within the range of Amax O


Maximum conjunct Orb = Oconj

Oconj = 90/(Amax + 1)

Allowable orb for any aspect in axial harmonic level A= O

O = Oconj / A


For a maximum search of 9 Axial ahrmonic levels, the widest possible conjunct orb is

90/(9+1) = 90/10 = 9

The allowable orb for a quintile in that search is

9/5 = 1.8

For a maximum search of 120 harmonic levels, conjunct orb is

90/121 = 0.7438 degrees

a quintile in that search would have an orb of

0.7438 / 5 = 0.1488

Introduction to Axial Harmonics

The idea to apply an Axial Harmonic method to the Astrological chart was originally conceived by Carl Smith in 1984.  He spent many years exploring Astrological potentials, doing thousands of charts, and through the trial and error method of applying both traditional Astrological methods and his own emerging ideas in readings with thousands of people, refining what worked and rejecting what didn't, so developing a set of basic rules for the method and a set of basic points for harmonic interpretation. 

Perhaps the most important of the basic rules are:

1.       both ends of an axis are similar for mathematical purposes

2.       all levels of the harmonic method must have mathematical consistency

3.       a pair of points can only be resonant on one harmonic set at a time so there can be no overlap of allowed orb.

The subsequent integration of these ideas into a working Astrological system, and the development of a complete interpretive analysis is largely the work of Rodney Smith , who has carried on the work whilst Carl has been busy in other fields of endeavour.  He has also spent countless hours doing charts and applying a mix of Carl's methods and his own metaphysical understanding in readings with many people, further refining the method into a fully integrated and mathematically consistent technique, and developing a very usable set of clear and practical harmonic interpretations that are applied using the strict mathematical criteria of the method.

Carl and Rod have spent many hundreds hours, often into the early hours of the morning, discussing the finer points of the method, and exploring many of the implications and side issues, so ensuring the best possible refinement of the method in the time available.  We therefore claim joint ownership.

As far as we are aware, there are no other Astrologers in the world applying harmonics to Astrology in this fashion.

Our study of Astrology, is based on the natal chart as a map of the human psyche.  The purpose of this type of Astrological investigation is to examine the natal chart to determine areas for potential development in the life of the individual.  The same investigation can also highlight areas of difficulty, and much of this difficulty is associated with what we call 'childhood truths'.  A clear understanding of how to move beyond childhood truth is essential to understanding this style of Astrological investigation at this level.  This is discussed at some length in the short essay on the energy of Union.

By mapping the 'energy weather' at the time of birth, we can determine the combinations of energy which are natural to the individual.  By studying the natural rhythms of life, we can determine the best articles of timing by which to take full advantage of the prevailing 'energy weather' symbolised by transits to the birth chart.  The purpose of this type of investigation is the psycho / spiritual development of the individual.

[1] Harmonics In Astrology, by John Addey,  Published by The Urania Trust, London, England. ISBN 1 871 989 05 1

[2] The ecliptic is a circle representing the apparent path of the sun through the heavens over the course of a year. The ecliptic is described by the solstice and equinox points of the year, and is divided into twelve signs known as the Zodiac. Your “star sign” is the part of the Zodiac that the sun was in on your date of birth.

[3] The argument is based on the archaic notion that conjunction is a complete melding of energy, therefore there is no "conversation" because there is no distance at which to engage said conversation. It holds no water with me at all. Conjunction is both the beginning and ending of a cycle and has mathematical significance as 0, 1 and infinity, and therefore warrants listing with the aspects where mathematical premises are used.

[4] Orb of an aspect is the measure of tolerance considered acceptable to determine whether or not an aspect is in effect

[5] Resonance in this document refers to an aspect that is tight and fully integrated into the natal chart.

[6] A stellium is a group of chart objects that form a multiple of conjunctions

[7] Synastry refers to the synthesis by comparison between two astrology charts.