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Astrology: Physics and Metaphysics - a personal note

Anybody who studies Astrology must have an interest in both physics and metaphysics. This is my contribution from a metaphysical perspective. I have been a student of Astrology for only a couple of years, I have been a student of metaphysics for at least twenty seven years. Early in that time, I studied Buddhist mysticism at an introductory level, and Christianity at greater depth. The largest portion of my time has been spent dismantling the religious structures from my psyche, and replacing them from a platform of 'self evidence'.

By self evidence I mean that the Living God can be found by those who look, even from outside religious structures. Let's face it, Abraham had to get his inspiration from somewhere, and he is no greater or lesser man than I. The only reason I quote from ancient scripture is to bring clarity to the argument, and to add an article of spiritual consistancy which must exist if the Living God exists.

Much of the teaching of the 'new age' movement has a similar basis in self evidence, and like any teaching vehicle, it abounds with charlatans and rogues who will spin any rubbish to make a quick dollar. Sorting through the garbage to find your truth can be a laborious and confusing task.

The three short essays included here are a brief introduction to my own metaphysical experience. A good look through them should give anybody a basic grasp of 'see for yourself' metaphysics without the hype and baloney which is usually associated with such stuff.

They are, by no coincidence at all, directly related to the first three Axial Harmonic Levels. If no further inquiry is made, at least the first three levels will give you enough to get you started on your own way.

Every Astrological system has its basis in the physics and metaphysics of its time. This is my attempt to bring the two together from outside the conventional structures.

My Astrological qualifications for this work are pretty good with a triple-conjunct in the ninth house between Midheaven, Uranus and Mercury. That aspect is very tight and is consistant in any house system.

Add to that a conjunction between Pluto and Mars which would usually be placed in the tenth house on all but an equal ascendant system (in which case it is ninth). Venus also appears in the tenth house (ninth ascendant) and draws Earth (Nadir- the inner self or personal foundation) into an Opposition aspect. All of these aspects are resonant.

If we introduce the concept of 'phase-lock-by-transit', then the Venus-Earth axis is in conjunct orb of the Pluto (and, by association Mars) axis for a period of time during any planetary transit.

This places five planetary axes and one extra cusp axis in direct association within the Midheaven house, all of which are in resonant, first Axial Harmonic aspect with at least one other object. When my midheaven area, or I.C. area are transited, three harmonic axes become conduits of potent energy.

I use a dual-equal system which draws equal houses simultaneously from the Midheaven and Ascendant.

This places the entire 'energy overload' in my personal focus ( 9th Ascendant) house of education or learning, and in my social context (10th Midheaven) house of achievement (Uranus and Mercury being on the ninth house - education - side of the cusp).

The Midheaven as a point of interest represents external influence.

With a noisy chart like mine you either achieve balance or die. I think I have managed to achieve some balance here.

Jupiter and Saturn form a resonant ninth harmonic syndrome with my Ascendant, in which the Ascendant is the exact midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn. This aspect cools things off and adds some balance, while remaining inspirational.

To my mind, it is the Uranus - Mercury - Midheaven triple conjunct, which I apply to the field of metaphysics, which has driven me to draw inspiration from 'left feild' so to speak. That triple is my signature energy - Intense, Communicative, Responsive,Interpretive, all externalised in both inspiration and execution.

Pluto - trine - Saturn (tight) applies an article of integrity to any structural form. I have used this as an article of discernment to sort the 'crap from clay' as far as metaphysical structure is concerned.

Axial Harmonic Resonance applies the first principles of astrology to basic numerology and a simple mathematical application of the numbers to axial divisions.

Any student of astrology, from any school of thought can easily apply these principles.

I use the Dual Equal house system for the same reason - you do not have to subscribe to any particular astrological model to use it. It is the ideal 'first principles' model

You will notice a decisive lack of reference to other authors in any of my work, this is because I believe that an argument should stand on its own. Trying to prop up my arguments by quoting others is, to me, a waste of time.

I may just be a rebel, but I find all metaphysical models stifling. It is for this reason that I have remained with first principles wherever possible. This allows the individual to apply those principles in the light of their own experience.

I trust that this presentation has been clear enough to be useful to you in your investigation of Astrology, and of metaphysics in general.

Enjoyment is the Substance of Living

Rodney Smith

Rod Smith May 2000

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© 1999-2000 Carl B. Smith and Rodney B. Smith. All information and artwork in this website is copyright, including the terms Axial Harmonics, Axial Harmonic Resonance, and Resonant Axial Harmonics, and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever, whether printed, photographic, electronic, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owners, except for fair purposes of review as permitted under copyright legislation.
Contact Carl B. Smith and Rodney B. Smith for more information.