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Union - The Primary energy of existence

The energy of union is represented by both the Conjunction and Opposition aspects in the natal chart.

Union is best described as the affinity between like beings. Whilst we all vary in our appreciation of exactly what humanity means, we are all nevertheless human and share at least that much in common. This is a very loose, though very clear, bond of union.

As we compare others with ourselves, we recognise areas of affinity and resistance, and we tend to mix with those with whom we share some affinity. This, some would say, is the natural order of life. I concur to a point, but to chose affinity as the sole criterion for interaction, or indeed for union, is to severely limit one's options in life.

The most narrow minded bigots in this world choose affinity in a given area of life as their sole criterion for association; this they do with the deliberate exclusion of all others. It is this article of exclusion which turns simple affinity (a natural process) into bigotry (a destructive, unnatural process). Thus bigotry is the ugliest article of union, and should be avoided at all costs.

I will say, here, that bigotry can form a strong fellowship between people, and a sense of 'communion' which may well pass for the real thing in the eyes of those who have never experienced true communion. This is something to be wary of. It is the false sense of communion which galvanises the will of one country against another in war. You will notice that wartime propaganda always carries an enormous dose of bigotry with which to feed the apparent justice of one cause. It is the same type of bigotry which fundamental religious organisations use to gain control of their followers.

Bigotry is stitched into the fabric of western society, and is often passed off as simple affinity. Whilst the words on which a society (or even an organisation) is based may not be those of bigotry, the historical reliance of western society on war, the 'right of might' mentality, and the polarity of western thinking ensure that an unhealthy dose of bigotry (there is no such thing as a healthy dose) is woven into the minds of all but the most exceptional of children in western society.

This presents us with a fundamental problem.

How can we avoid something which is woven into our psyche by our society?

The answer is actually quite simple, but it does require a willingness on the part of the individual to reshape their thinking in the light of a clearer truth. I will explain what I mean.

The bigotry which is woven into the psyche is simply a perception of truth which has been taught to us by those whom we consider knowledgeable. Unless this perception of truth is challenged, our childhood truths become our life.

I must say here that this is by no means a criticism of individual parents, teachers or mentors, and should not be read as such. The object of this exercise is to enlighten the mind, and therefore the psyche, not to conduct a 'witch hunt' to determine accountability.

The solution, then, is to adopt a broader perspective on life. To do this we must go past that which has become comfortable to us in order to experience at least one other perspective on any given issue. The broader our experience of an issue, the less likely we are to bigoted over it.

By using our childhood truths as a benchmark, we can safely explore beyond them, and subsequently replace them with our own new experiences of truth.

This is a process of maturity of thought which seems to be lacking in the psycho / spiritual fabric of our society.

This whole issue is important because our focus and thinking affect every area of our lives. If we retain our childhood truths then we remain children in those areas which we have never challenged.

Much of our commercial television programming, advertising and marketing have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo of thought. While they can maintain your childhood truth, they can sell you their products quite readily. There is a growing interest in alternative approaches to television and marketing. This is a welcome and much needed change.

So the answer to inherent bigotry is to explore beyond childhood truth, and to experience several perspectives on any given issue. Go beyond the garbage which the television pumps out as truth, you will find the exercise is quite worthwhile.

So what does this have to do with Astrology?

Conjunction and Opposition will display energy combinations which produce the energy of union within the individual. They will also indicate areas of extra-ordinary ability and strong vibration. Our attitude towards this affinity, ability or vibration will determine its manifestation in our lives.

I have witnessed many negative Conjunctions and Oppositions in the readings I have done, I have also witnessed some very positive ones. Negativity on the first Axial Harmonic Level is usually the result of poor childhood conditioning. If we can move past this conditioning, or redefine our childhood truths, we go a long way to bringing the energy of union back to its positive light. These negative conjunctions and oppositions can always be rectified if the individual is prepared to move beyond their conditioning.

So what is the positive side to union?

The positive energy of Conjunction and Opposition is the powerful flow of Universal energy. These are areas in which we are designed to excel. We should be aware also that we have a great deal to learn in these areas. These are not 'natural' areas of excellence as much as they are applied. Once Union and Resistance are resolved, then our Conjunction / Opposition aspects become our greatest strengths. Until then they can become areas of irritation, our guides trying to bring us to a point of resolution so that we can display our excellence.

The first place in which we must learn to engage the flow of Universal energy is within ourselves. Nobody can help us do this, it is a personal engagement between the individual and the Living God. To understand this more fully, it may help to view the 'energy' which holds all matter together as part of 'God's stuff'. Therefore anything which exists materially has the Divine presence within it. To engage the Divine from within the mundane is to begin to develop our own spirituality. This is what I believe 'the kingdom of heaven is within you' actually means.

If your view of God has something to do with angry bearded figures and harsh judgment then perhaps your next exercise should be a review of your conditioning on this matter.

Once we have begun to engage the Universal flow within and extend our perspective on life we will find ourselves connecting with a new group of people. Hopefully these people will be from more than one organisation or belief system, as I believe that diversity is healthy and that each of us has something different to learn from, and teach to, the other.

This raises an issue which I will deal with at length later. Divine connection between two individuals does not nescessarily mean that they should become sexual partners. The 'new age' movement seems to abound with people who cannot make the distinction between Divine connection and sexual attraction. If they are being taught the difference, then they are not listening. Too often such relationships turn sour because the sexual relationship has taken precedence, when a Divine connection was the Universal intention.

Divine connection between two individuals means that they have a particular job to do together. Their energies have been brought together for a particular purpose. This does not rule out sexual relationship, but it by no means necessitates it. The most important factor here is the Divine connection, anything else should take second place. Sexual connections can be Divine, but not all Divine connections are sexual. More on this subject later.

Engaging the Divine presence is the highest vibration of the energy of union. This, to my way of thinking, is the primary purpose for existence. The Buddhist will call it 'enlightenment' and the Christian will call it 'the kingdom of heaven' or perhaps 'walking in the light' which is 'biblespeak' for enlightenment. Both faiths appear to be primarily interested in bringing the individual to a personal experience of the Creator. The Apostle John seems to have a perspective which is quite 'Buddhist' in nature. John was the dear friend of Jesus, the one most likely to have experienced the depth of His teaching. This is not to say that either Jesus or John were Buddhists, but that there is a stunning similarity between the two teaching styles in regard to engaging the Divine presence.

There is one further article of union which needs discussion before we proceed to the subject of resistance.

Whilst engaging the Divine presence is both an honourable and achievable goal, most of our time is spent engaged in the less-than-divine presence of our fellow travellers. This can become disconcerting, especially when they begin to annoy us with their little idiosyncrasies and particularly their behaviour patterns.

This annoyance is actually a function of union which is not widely taught, but should be compulsory study for any student of metaphysics or personal dynamics. The annoyance actually comes from our own psyche, and it is a clear reminder from our guides that we have to deal with that particular energy in our own life. The more annoying we find it, the more deeply entrenched in our own psyche it is likely to be. We actually have the problem in that area, not them (whoever 'they' are) !.

I can just about hear people scoffing at this thought, but think about it a little deeper for a moment.

Any issue which we have truly faced in ourselves becomes an article of experience with which we become comfortable after a while. When we are faced with a person who exhibits that same quality, we are able to give them strength (either consciously or sub-conciously) to overcome that same weakness. We have seen that weakness in ourselves and are less critical of it in others.

There are some issues which we may never face ourselves, and these are usually met with either sympathy or indignation, depending on the nature of the issue.

Those which raise a sense of annoyance or irritation are the ones which we think we have dealt with or think that we will never face. Annoyance and irritation are both functions of repetition, and if our attention is continually drawn to a given issue then it is a fair indication that we have to deal with it.

It is a far better thing to get on with doing something about it than to continually raise the issue with the people around us. There is every chance that they are thinking to themselves that we exhibit the qualities about which we are critical. How often do we see this in others? How annoying is it? Think about it.

The quantity of energy which we can expend in the criticism of others is truly frightening. What is more frightening is that the criticism entrenches that same behaviour in our own psyche. A group criticism session is tantamount to black magic; gossip weaves a web of destructive behaviour patterns in its participants which has few rivals. Gossip is the undoing of many fine organisations simply because this principle is not taught.

By overcoming a weakness within ourselves, we remove the power which it has to irritate us. When it arises in others it is no longer a source of annoyance. This is a desirable, and very achievable outcome. It is well worth pursuing.

It is this critical article of union which I have only ever come across in ancient scriptures. I have seldom heard any sound teaching on the issue. When a preacher talks about splinters and beams, how many of us are critical of those terrible people who cannot see the beams in their own eyes? Think about it!

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